Mental Health + Therapy

Therapy- just hearing that word has likely brought a flood of images and ideas into your head and a stream of various ideas which you associate with therapy. The stigma behind therapy has lessened greatly with this generation, however, it still remains. The question that I am constantly asking myself is at what point do you start going to therapy? At what point is my anxious state so bad that it has ventured into generalized anxiety disorder? Does the depressed feeling that sticks with me for two weeks really warrant a diagnosis of clinical depression? Or is this all me being dramatic? For my parents, therapy seems like an extreme, you only go to a therapist if something is truly wrong with you. Why should I, a smart, driven, social girl in an ideal situation, have to go to therapy or have anxiety or depression. When I talk to my parents they are perfectly understanding of other people going to see a therapist, but cannot fathom why their own daughter would do the same. I still don’t know the answer to the question of at what point is it a good idea to see a therapist, but what I have learned is that it is never the wrong answer to simply go to one session and see what you make of it. Therapy is not for a single type of person. It is for anyone and everyone who feels they need a space for talking to someone who will truly listen. For anyone and everyone who wants a person to give advice or guidance. Therapists are there to help you through any mental health challenges you may be having, however big or small. Unbeknownst to many, it is not a requirement of therapy for you to have a mental illness. There are many small signs that signify whether you should go to therapy, such as your eating habits changing, having a shorter temper, or if you feel stuck. Therapy is not self-indulgent or a sign that something is wrong with you. It is for anyone and everyone that needs to work on themselves through the eyes of someone whose profession is to help.


Mental Health + Expectations


Mental Health + School Part 3