
How our sessions work


Upcoming Session Dates:

  • February 3rd

  • March 3rd

  • March 31st

  • April 28th

Sessions take place from 5:30-6:30 pm. To sign up please visit the Contact Us tab and email us regarding your interest, and from there more information will be sent out.

Our one-hour-long art/creative healing sessions are led by licensed and board-certified art therapist, Bethany Sweeden, at her studio. She has been facilitating art through a therapeutic lens for the past 19 years and has now partnered with Colors of Mind to further implement this, alongside our own vision. She will be leading sessions of art as a therapeutic experience, with the two other members of our team, Ariana and Jaya, working with her. During the classes, we utilize many forms of media, ranging from drawing to collage work. Students will use their creativity to express feelings, thoughts, and ideas. No prior art experience is required in order to benefit from art healing. We are open to all, operating as a safe space for all races, genders, sexualities, and identifications. Each session consists of approximately 8-10 students who range from ages 8-13. In the session, students will have the free creative range and will use the guidance of the art therapist to create art that connects them with mental wellness and resilience

Attendance/Reservations: Sign up for each class will begin 2 weeks prior to the class date and will close the day before the session. To sign up, please email us regarding your interest through our email on the Contact Us tab, and we will then send you a registration form to fill out. Feel free to message us and our team anytime. There will be 10 spots available for each class. Those who sign up after the 10 spots are filled will be put on a waitlist and notified via email if an availability opens. There is no registration or cancellation fee.

COVID-19 Protocol: We ask that all participants be mindful of COVID may be asked to wear masks/facial coverings during the experience. We also ask that nobody with the virus/has been recently exposed to the virus attends. We prioritize the health and well being of both our attendees and Colors of Mind staff.

Further Information and Policies will be listed on our Consent Form that you will receive after sign up.