Through the Looking Lens
Throughout the duration of one’s life, we face experiences that conjure feelings, thoughts, and discoveries. The combinations of these ideas is what creates our unique and individual self. Nobody shares the same intersections as you do, or has experienced life in the same way that you have. This year, as a junior in AP Drawing, I decided to look through my own lens for inspiration for my portfolio. Going into the class, I was unsure of what idea I would spend the next year developing through art, but as I took a step back, I realized that the greatest muse was my own life: all of the series of events that trickled down to form the person I am today. Something we fail to realize as artists is the compounds of individuality. Sense of self is something frequently used in representational art, yet is usually not multi-faceted. This year, I dove into the layers of experiences, events, and emotions that create my person. The best lens you can look through is that of self. I have yet to reach a conclusion about the specifics of my portfolio but I have found my muse.